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Need legal help?

CMLS handles civil legal matters for low income people in 21 counties in central Minnesota.  We do not handle criminal problems. We refer clients when our staff is unable to handle a case. We make referrals to self-help and volunteer resources.

If you are not sure if CMLS would handle your legal issue, please call your local office to apply or get more information.


Free Clinics

We offer several free clinics each month at various locations in the state where you can come talk to a lawyer about your case. The next upcoming clinics are:

Tuesday, September 17

Willmar Regional Legal Advice Clinic

Thursday, September 19

St Cloud Regional Legal Advice Clinic

Tuesday, September 24

Willmar Regional Legal Advice Clinic

See All Events

What should I expect?

Many people don’t know what the legal aid system is, what it does, or how it even works. Because of this, we have created an informal guide that should help you to understand what to expect when you apply for legal aid.

Other Ways We Can Help

There are a lot of reasons why someone might not be eligible for legal services. If you are one of those people, you should consider looking at the following resources that might help you help yourself.

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